Suntory Yamazaki Limited Edition 2015

This new nectar created by Suntory Chief Master Blender is an blend of several single malts distilled and aged in Yamazaki, the very first malt distillery of Japan.

On the menu of this whisky bottled at 43%, some single malts aged for over 20 years in Sherry Casks, and some "Young Talents" which are relatively young but already revealing an intense character single malts aged in Bourbon Barrels.

This new nectar created by Suntory Chief Master Blender is an blend of several single malts distilled and aged in Yamazaki, the very first malt distillery of Japan.

On the menu of this whisky bottled at 43%, some single malts aged for over 20 years in Sherry Casks, and some "Young Talents" which are relatively young but already revealing an intense character single malts aged in Bourbon Barrels.

Details zur Flasche Ändern
Single Malt Whisky
0.7 l

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Ich hatte vor einem Jahr den 2014er und war begeistert. Dieser hier ist mindestens ebenso gut, vielleicht bilde ich mir ein, dass dieser sogar etwas noch besser ist. Kräftige Vanillenote, sehr fruchtig, keineswegs jung. Da lässt sich Yamazaki nicht lumpen, wenn es um die Limited Editions geht. Freue mich schon auf die 2016 ...